ABOUT OUR PROJECT Adopt a family in need project is a new program by CESRA. We aim to enable private individuals or companies to sponsor and support a poor family living in poverty to start a sustainable micro-enterprise with a mission to encourage stability and self-sufficiency among Kenyan needy families. PROCESS OF ADOPTING A FAMILY IN KENYA Adopt a family: We suggest first that you chose a family from the list. Form a Connection: As you listen and learn about your family, look to form some kind of personal connection by requesting their full background information. Their needs and their hopes in life. Realize Your Contribution: Help them begin a small microenterprise to sustain them. You will receive direct communication with them about how your money is changing their lives. Invest in Change: Don’t forget that sustainable development and real change is the goal. As you may be aware Trillions of dollars have been poured into Africa and have brought little...